January 10, 2017
Buzzword Infographic: Inbound Marketing
As 9 Rooftops Health kicks off 2017, we’re going to delve into marketing technology (martech)…

December 14, 2016
The Doctor Will FaceTime with You Now
Last week we delved deeply into the burgeoning field of telehealth, focusing primarily on telephone…

December 8, 2016
The Registered Nurse Will Listen to You Now
A few weeks ago, I briefly touched on the concept of telehealth as an option…

November 30, 2016
The Nurse Practitioner Will See You Now
As healthcare leaders already understand, the United States is shifting from fee-for-service to fee-for-value reimbursement,…

November 16, 2016
The Registration Kiosk Will Scan You Now
How often have health consumers used a self-service kiosk in other industries to increase efficiencies…

November 9, 2016
What Can I Do When My Infant Is Running a Fever at 2 a.m.?
You hear crying on the baby monitor or from the bassinet across the room. You…

November 1, 2016
The World Series, Palliative Care, and American History
The Cubs vs. Indians: American History in the Making Update: Wednesday night the Chicago Cubs…

October 19, 2016
How Every Hospital Team Member Positions Your Brand
Your hospital has a brand to grow, nurture, and protect. In the new consumer-driven era…